Tuesday, October 16, 2007


What am I most afraid of? What makes me feel helpless when I am its captive audience? What fills me with the most anxiety, distress, inner turmoil, and horrifying fear? What am I most afraid of? Immediately, when these questions are set before my mind, I sit face to face with one word- selfishness. Selfishness terrifies my very being. It is the attribute that I am most obligated to practice as a result of my nature. But it is also the attribute that I must mortify to gain any measurable ground in love. Regretfully, I participate in this evil far more than my conscience can let go through its filter. Many times, I choose selfishness almost as if I deserve something! What a lie! Selfishness makes itself look like a reward, but it only produces fruit that will wither away. It is a lie that haunts my past, fights for a place in my present, and threatens every aspect of my future. Sometimes I have dreams about my future as a selfish individual who cares only for himself. Needless to say, I hate those dreams. I don’t want severed relationships, hurt friends and family, or a lack of self-sacrifice and a lack of yielding to Christ. Selfishness is lurking around every corner in every circumstance. I must defeat this tenacious foe one battle at a time. But I am still afraid.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Did You Protect Your Plot of Moss Today?

I did! I carefully fortified its perimeter with small sticks, which was soon crushed by someone 24 times larger. Too bad. It was fun, though. Well I don't really know how my 5 commenters would comment to this post, but... mhmm... be creative, and sponsor your very own plot of moss today!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Victory 2:of who knows how many

Victory, how many times have I seen your face?
Stare at me with formidable disgrace
Knowing any moment you will look away
Will it be tomorrow, or will it be today?
Your beams of glory shine
Without the tiniest imperfection
You break my molded mask
And destroy my resurrections
What can I do that is unrelated?
A building, a wall, or some creation?
“You, alone, can do none of these.
You poor boy, you will play where you please.
A child of the wind is blown any direction,
Giving way to leaves of affection.
For you are like unto a tree,
That is planted in the middle of Spring.
You grow and grow so gracefully
You bloom sweet buds, like other trees.
Your roots do tangle with other limbs,
Searching for life, and one more whim.
The only source you pull from, though,
Is the thriving tree on the buoyant knoll.
From this lover you gain your fill
She bears the name, Good and Evil”
Victory, why must I bear this pain?
Living on life that is eaten in vain.
Give me one more fix, Victory.
Open my eyes so I can see.
All my ancestors ruined their chance,
Give me one more, I’ll prove I can dance.
“And dance you will young foolish boy,
Wishing your life was full of joy.
Rendering hope for chance,
Basing all on this dance.
Dance as far as your eye can see.
You still will not find me.”

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Insuperable (Impossible to overcome, get rid of, or deal with successfully)

Look at these fallen walls

Do you remember when they stood tall?

Beauty and love flowed free

The completion of you and me

But that was before the fall

The corollary has since been felt

Prevaricating our meaning singular

And culminating the fatal expenditure

Reaching so much further than Hell

Separating those meant inseparable

An identical fate is ours to face

Which we, ourselves, cannot abate

Blood flows through us all

Monday, October 16, 2006


This picture was taken directly in the front portion of my yard. This mad beast was terrorizing the city in which I live. I simply took a picture of the monster and watched the city fall to its ruin. It was pretty sweet. After the whole destruction of the city thing, I single-handedly captured this leviathon of the land. I threw the behemoth over a cliff, closely located near my house; turned on my computer, and made this blog. I hope you enjoyed this fictional rambling.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

What Is Love That Doesn't Show?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Picturesque Nashville

Glorious architecture, Beautiful restaurants, and the best laser tag facility in the world. I think I have found the place where I would like to move when I become of proper age. We were in Nashville the other day, and we saw an old church. My mom said," Get out and get some pictures....(Whoa that was close, I almost said my real name)...Breaking Cuulture." Sweet, so I got out of the van and began applying Culture Breaking techniques. Such as, holding the camera side ways, using sweet angles, and thinking if it would look good in black and white. It is not very difficult. I took about...uh...like,uh...six pictures, and jumped back into the van. Then we continued our never ending journey to...uh...I can't really remember where we went that day. Oh well. Any way, out of the pictures I took, here is the one I really enjoyed. I hope you enjoy it too.